When it’s warm out and you’d like to get a good workout, it can be difficult with some of the workout gear available to you. It’s too warm for long sleeves, and short sleeves just don’t feel as comfortable. That’s why our superhero compression tank tops may be exactly what you’re looking for! With designs that are meant to make you feel like a superhero, you’ll love showing off those muscles! Pick out your favorite superhero to give you the strength and energy to become a superhero yourself, even if you may not end up with any special powers.

Why Choose a Compression Tank?

Compression shirts and tank tops have become quite popular lately due to the amazing way they work without you even having to do anything! The tight fabric itself helps with your workout as these tanks provide you with an incredible range of motion, all while being comfortable and stretchy. Especially with tank tops, you can move your arms in any direction without feeling hindered. The increased airflow through the shirt and the lack of sleeves will keep you cool and strengthen your inner core at the same time.

Tanks vs. Shirts

When you choose a compression shirt, you’ll notice more compression in your arms in general due to the construction. Upon choosing a tank top, however, you’ll receive that compression in your chest mainly, allowing more support in your chest muscles specifically instead of in your arms.

With one of these, you’ll be able to improve the power and control of your chest without putting your muscles through lots of pain. The reduced risk of injury is certainly a great plus too.

Benefits of Compression

Compression is meant to increase the blood flow through your veins, which offsets some of the usual effects of gravity. Normally, gravity will force your blood into your lower body, so compression helps move the blood back to the heart, improving oxygenation too.

With more oxygen getting to your heart, you won’t have as much lactic acid building up in your muscles. This means that you won’t feel that burning sensation and tiredness as quickly and will be able to work out harder and longer, improving your workouts by a huge margin. Compression can also improve your warm-ups since your muscles stay warm and are less likely to become injured.

About Me Superhero

We at Me Superhero are committed to finding you a unique top to help you with your workouts. Based in the USA, we partner up with different manufacturers accross the universe in order to provide our customers with fun and high-quality shirts in unique patterns that you won’t find anywhere else. Everything is custom-made to guarantee excellence, so no matter what tank top you end up choosing, you’ll be sure to get something that’ll last throughout any tough workout.

Wear our tank tops for men and women even when you’re not working out too! Every top is made to be breathable and comfortable enough for you to wear it all day long. You might love them so much that you buy a few different designs just to wear them a few times a week. If there are any issues, though, we’re committed to providing you with great service and fast replies, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

Superhero Tank Tops

Every one of our tank tops is made with fabric that is meant to wick away any sweat and stay dry even after you’re done with your workout. This ensures that you won’t chafe, and rashes will be a thing of the past. Despite the breathability of these tops, they’re still meant to keep your muscles warm, preventing undue strain so you can get back to your daily life when you’re done with your workout.

Pick out any one of our amazing tank top designs, and mix and match with any of our other 400 unique shirts and leggings. Bring out your inner superhero just by wearing their emblem on your chest, but remember to buy a top that’s one or two times your usual size. You don’t want the compression to be so great that it’s overbearing! If you have any trouble, check our size guide too in order to find your perfect fit.

Green Lantern

The actual lantern of the Green Lantern was prophesized to bring death, life, and power, and by the time the 1940s hit, it was ready to bring this power to Alan Scott. As an engineer, Scott found this lantern and took on this responsibility of power with a ring he fashioned himself. With only a weakness to wood, he was able to carve his place out in history, reciting his “Brightest Day” oath to protect anyone who needed his help.

Captain America

The story of Captain America spans decades as young Steve Rogers initially acted as a patriotic and powerful symbol during World War Two. When he was frozen, it took him decades to awaken, but when he did, he was able to take on the role as the leader of the Avengers. Committed to protecting the USA with his signature star-studded shield, Captain America continues to act as a symbol for justice everywhere.

The Flash

Believe it or not, the Flash was initially made fun of for being too slow! It wasn’t until a chemical accident made him the fastest man alive that he was finally able to gain the power to move faster than anyone around. With the help of his fiancé’s father, Barry Allen wears a ring during the day to keep his power under wraps and eject his signature red and gold costume at any time he may need it. 


Peter Parker wished to be more than just the nerdy high school boy, and more than anything, he wanted to be with Mary Jane. After he was bitten by an enhanced spider, he got his chance. Without any mentor like previous superheroes, Peter had to learn what it meant to use his power responsibly after his Uncle Ben died. As a young man working hard to be a better person for everyone, Spiderman is a hero everyone would love to be like.